Just received the cover art for my latest, a gothic romance due out in December. I love it! Kinda spooky, and very much traditionally gothic. I am pretty sure it's based on a late scene in the book where Claire, the main character, takes a lantern and escapes from the castle . . .
Friends of the Library, Rappahannock library (county and college library combined) in Warsaw Feb/March luncheon--date TBA First House 55-60 women Catherine Courtney 529-7730
I'm an Army brat who has lived in Virginia most of my adult life. I received my BA and MA in history from the College of William and Mary and taught American history and museum studies at Virginia Commonwealth University for thirteen years. I am the author of 200 magazine articles, most on history, travel, and business topics, 15 nonfiction books, and 9 historical mysteries.
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