Colonial Williamsburg: The First 75 Years


CW First 75 coverThis book tells the fascinating story of how the Reverend W. A. R. Goodwin and John D. Rockefeller, Jr., went about restoring Virginia’s colonial capital in the midst of the Great Depression. Equally engrossing is the account of how the Williamsburg that guests see today was transformed from a sleepy southern town into a city alive with the voices of history.


$7.95 soft cover






A Note from Me

The improbable but true story behind this book is that it was never intended for the general public. When I was asked to write the text and compile the photographs, I was told it would be a give-away. A copy would be presented to each employee, the Board of Directors, and various VIPs to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the start of Williamsburg’s restoration in 1926. No one else, it was assumed, would be interested in such a book.


As it turned out, a couple hundred copies were left over after the presentations, so someone set them on a table in the Craft House with a price tag, hoping to get rid of them. To everyone’s astonishment, they flew out of the store. More were printed. Those sold like crazy, too. They continue to sell like crazy today–thousands every year.


Of course, I’d like to think this popularity is due to my wonderful way with words, but it is far more likely that the stunning illustrations on every page–interesting old black and whites and gorgeous new color photos–deserve the credit.


Reviews and Blurbs

“I have always known that you do everything well. However, your “First 75 Years” knocked me out. A splendid job and certainly not an easy one. If I had a hat, I would take it off and wave it.” –Peter A. G. Brown, Vice President, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation