Ligonier Valley Historical Society in SW Penna.
Ligonier Valley Historical Society, western PA Theresa Rohall
Ligonier Valley Historical Society, western PA Theresa Rohall
15 min. talk books sold by Kelley Justice Nancy Turns coordinating 432-1895
Graham Dozier contact in conjunction with exhibit Dressing Downton
Reveille Methodist Church Leisure Club Mary Davis contact person set up at 10:30, meeting at 11:00 then lunch Weird but True: Things You Never Knew about Silent Movies
all day in the new shop, lots of Virginia authors gathering to sign their new books and old favorites Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, VA
Ward Tefft & Chop Suey sponsoring
adult book discussion group at Glen Allen library Andrea Brown contact person
Alga Vance contact person 598-1953 Roaring Twenties lecture
Bayou Bend Collection, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Skype visit Saturday Jan. 30 Emily Hermans contact person
Copyright - Mary Miley Theobald
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