Book Signing @ Book People
Book People store with Maggie King Ruth Erb
Book People store with Maggie King Ruth Erb
Ravencon Friday afternoon April 24, Saturday, Sunday--10th anniversary Workshop Sat. April 25 12:00 with Heather Sunday panel 10:00 No Right Way to Write Doubletree Hotel Midlothian 1021 Koger Center Boulevard (10800 block of Midlothian Turnpike) North Chesterfield, Virginia 23235
"No Right Way to Write"
Andrea Brown, manager Glen Allen branch of Henrico; VP Chesterfield Friends Prohibition presentation + show and tell 80 people, open to public at 7:15 (private at 6:30)
Susan Sparling
Susan Sparling
Just received the cover art for my latest, a gothic romance due out in December. I love it! Kinda spooky, and very much traditionally gothic. I am pretty sure it's based on a late scene in the book where Claire, the main character, takes a lantern and escapes from the castle . . .
Erica's women's group PEO 11:30
2:00-2:45 audience: 30-50 seniors from assisted living and nursing homes Michele Pfab
Katie Kelly Suffolk Visitors Center
Copyright - Mary Miley Theobald
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