Finished at 48?
Last night was my last scheduled talk on FIRST HOUSE, the governor’s mansion history–hard to believe, but I’ve done 48 presentations in the last year and a half for that book alone. Forty-eight!!! The bicentennial year, 2013, is over and interest is fading, so I think I’m pretty much done. All the presentations took place in Virginia (obviously), so I got to visit parts of the state I’d never seen before. Sometimes that was great . . . sometimes not so much. But all in all, writing and promoting this book has been a fascinating 4-year experience that I would not have traded for anything. I met some wonderful people and made some great friends. P.S. The Library of Virginia has reduced the price of FIRST HOUSE from $35 to $20, so if you want a copy, this is the time to get one! (See? I can’t stop promoting.)
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